
"Ugo Capeto 3D Software" (in short, "ugosoft3d") specializes in image rectification, depth map generation and improvement, synthetic frame generation (for lenticulars), edge-aware filtering, 2d to 3d image conversion, Structure from Motion (SfM), and Multi-View Stereo (MVS).

The software on offer here is a labor of love. There are lots of programs available, and I must admit some are not that great (Well, I thought they were when I wrote them.) From time to time, I get asked why I don't group a bunch of programs into a single one that would automatically give the best result with zero user input, all within a nifty gui interface. Well, that could probably be done, but I kinda like to separate the processes and let users have total control over the programs' behavior. Nah, it's just too much work for me, especially the gui part. You see, I do all this in my spare time and I kinda have to pick my battles, so to speak. Making a pretty gui interface is really not my highest priority.

The software is totally free to use, even for commercial purposes. In order to boost my ego a bit, I would really appreciate you drop me a line if you are using the software. You see, writing code is often tedious, but knowing that it makes somebody's life easier is certainly a great motivator.

If you are having problems with the software, feel free to send your input files to ugocapetodifrancia3d at gmail dot com. I don't mind at all, especially if it's just plain old depth map generation from a stereo pair. If you prefer twitter to communicate, ugocapeto3d is the handle.

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